City Life Frog Bouquet
An unusual design and very unique piece. At first glace you see a bouquet of flowers with a frog near by. As you look closer you notice the electric pole with lines supporting the perching owls coming out of the same vase. This piece is a mix of found elements (the frog, the electric pole form a train set, the owls and the vase) and hand made ceramics (the city scape tile at top, all the larger flowers). Also you will find several broken china and dishes and hand cut stained glass.
20.25 x 5.5 in.- free shipping
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An unusual design and very unique piece. At first glace you see a bouquet of flowers with a frog near by. As you look closer you notice the electric pole with lines supporting the perching owls coming out of the same vase. This piece is a mix of found elements (the frog, the electric pole form a train set, the owls and the vase) and hand made ceramics (the city scape tile at top, all the larger flowers). Also you will find several broken china and dishes and hand cut stained glass.
20.25 x 5.5 in.- free shipping